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Measurement of OH radical in water by positron annihilation age-momentum correlation (AMOC)

平出 哲也  

Hirade, Tetsuya


The annihilation lifetime of triplet Ps (o-Ps) in water observed by the positron annihilation lifetime (PALS) measurement shows opposite temperature dependence of other usual liquids, i.e. shorter lifetimes at higher temperatures. This is because o-Ps reacts with surrounding active species in water. In the positron annihilation lifetime-momentum correlation (AMOC) measurement, in particular, singlet Ps (p-Ps) formed by spin exchange reaction is detected effectively, and it is predicted that temperature dependence is observed like PALS measurement. In fact, above about 10$$^{circ}$$C, the formation of p-Ps by the spin exchange reaction decreased with lowering temperatures. However, at around 6$$^{circ}$$C, the formation of p-Ps by the spin exchange reaction increased again. The reason of this phenomenon is that the reaction with the OH radical with the electron having a spin correlation with the electron in o-Ps preferentially occurs. Hence, three-dimensional diffusion dominates the reaction above 10$$^{circ}$$C and OH radical on the surface of water cluster preferentially reacts with o-Ps below 10$$^{circ}$$C.



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