Analysis for the accident at Unit 3 of the Fukushima Daiichi NPS with THALES2/KICHE Code in BSAF2 project
石川 淳
; 玉置 等史
; 杉山 智之
; 丸山 結 
Ishikawa, Jun; Tamaki, Hitoshi; Sugiyama, Tomoyuki; Maruyama, Yu
Japan Atomic Energy Agency is pursuing the development and application of the integrated severe accident analysis code, THALES2/KICHE for analysis of severe accident progression and source term. The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS) from units 1 to 3 were analyzed using THALES2/KICHE code for better understanding of the accident in the OECD/NEA BSAF2 project. This paper describes three week analysis for the accident at unit 3. The leakage through the drywell head flange and an equipment hutch was assumed in order to reproduce the tendency of drywell pressure history in addition to the intermittent activation of the containment vessel venting system via the suppression chamber. As for the source term analysis, the dominant chemical forms for cesium and iodine were assumed to be cesium iodine (CsI) and cesium molibdate (Cs
) based on the insights of the PHEBUS/FP experiments. The iodine chemical reaction kinetics in the containment aqueous phase, which were associated with the production of molecular iodine and organic iodide, were taken into consideration in the present analysis. The released iodine and cesium within three weeks after the earthquake were predicted to be approximately 3% and 6% of the initial inventory, respectively.