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 年 ~ 

Effect of oxygen potential on sintering behavior of CeO$$_{2}$$


渡部 雅  ; 田中 康介  ; 加藤 正人   

Watanabe, Masashi; Tanaka, Kosuke; Kato, Masato


In this study, the shrinkage behavior of CeO$$_{2}$$, which is widely used in surrogate material of the nuclear fuel, were studied using a thermomechanical analyzer in various oxygen partial pressure, to discuss the sintering mechanisms under the low oxygen potentials. The shrinkage ratios were significantly different between the air atmosphere and the oxygen partial pressure controlled atmosphere. The shrinkage began at lower temperature with increasing P$$_{H2}$$/P$$_{H2O}$$ ratio. The relationship between P$$_{H2}$$/P$$_{H2O}$$ ratio and shrinkage ratio in the sintering process of PuO$$_{2}$$ is similar to the result of this study. Therefore, it seems that both have the same sintering mechanism.



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