Measuring of surface potential of radiocaesium-bearing microparticles by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
黒澤 景一*; 岩田 歩*; 佐藤 志彦
; 阿部 善也*; 五十嵐 康人*; 奥田 知明*
Kurosawa, Keiichi*; Iwata, Ayumu*; Satou, Yukihiko; Abe, Yoshinari*; Igarashi, Yasuhito*; Okuda, Tomoaki*
福島第一原子力発電所事故によって大気中に飛散した放射性物質のうち、放射性Cs微粒子(CsMP: radiocaesium-bearing microparticles)と呼ばれる不溶性の粒子が存在することが知られている。放射性のエアロゾル粒子はその
崩壊に起因する電子線放射によって自家帯電することが指摘されているため、CsMPの健康影響を正確に評価するためにはその帯電状態についても明らかにする必要がある。しかしながら、実環境中から採取された粒子個々の詳細な電気的特性を測定する手法は未だ確立されておらず、とりわけ実際の福島第一原子力発電所事故由来の粒子について測定した例はない。そこで本研究ではKPFM (Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy)法を用いて粒子の表面電位を測定する手法を確立し、CsMPの詳細な電気的特性を明らかにすることを目的とした。結果、粒子の基板に対する表面電位の値は+0.3V
The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident caused serious emission of radionuclides into the atmosphere. After several years, insoluble radiocaesium-bearing microparticles (CsMP) have been found in some regions in Japan. These insoluble solid particles remain as a particle in human airways and continue emitting radiation when they are inhaled. Therefore, these particles have a potentially significant adverse effect on human health. Because of the continuous emission of the
-rays, which is energetic electron beam, previous studies reported that the radioactive particles would have specific electrostatic charging characteristics. Also, several laboratory experiments and numerical simulations have shown that the electrostatically charged particles are more deposited on the human respiratory airway. Therefore, the electrostatic charging characterization of the CsMP is important for the accurate evaluation of its health effects. In this study, we used Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy to measure the surface potential of CsMP. The obtained mapping image was shown that the radioactive particle has a certain distribution of surface potential ranged between +0.3 V and -0.3 V. This distribution of the surface potential within the particle may be associated with the distribution of radioactive Cs in the surface layer of the particle.