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Magnonic spin current-noise in insulating bulk magnets

仲田 光樹   ; 大沼 悠一*; 松尾 衛*

Nakata, Koki; Onuma, Yuichi*; Matsuo, Mamoru*


Extending a Boltzmann-Langevin theory to magnons, we show a universality of current-noise suppression in diffusive systems against the difference of quantum-statistical properties of bosons and fermions. We theoretically discover that compared with a Poissonian shot noise of magnons in an insulating ferromagnetic junction, the magnonic shot noise is suppressed in the diffusive insulating bulk magnet and noise-to-current ratio (Fano factor) at low temperatures exhibits a universal behavior, i.e., the same suppression 1/3 as the one for electron transport in diffusive conductors, despite the difference of quantum-statistical properties.



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