※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

福島第一原子力発電所の炉格納容器内等で採取された試料分析,6; 燃料デブリ取出しに向けた分析結果の活用方法

Analysis of samples collected in PCV interior of Fukushima Daiichi NPP, 6; Use of analysis results of collected samples toward fuel debris retrieval

倉田 正輝 ; 間所 寛  ; 奥村 啓介 ; 佐藤 一憲 ; 溝上 暢人*; 伊東 賢一*; 溝上 伸也*

Kurata, Masaki; Madokoro, Hiroshi; Okumura, Keisuke; Sato, Ikken; Mizokami, Masato*; Ito, Kenichi*; Mizokami, Shinya*


Based on the analysis of the samples collected in the PCV interior of Fukushima Daiichi NPP, potential issues regarding the fuel debris retrieval are summarized. The analytical targets, analytical method and obtainable knowledge that are necessary to evaluate each issue are discussed. Valuable information can be obtained even from small samples to understand the current situation of the plant and the accident progression. Although the amount of collectable samples is limited, we considered how to evaluate the whole fuel debris and how to utilize the analytical results for recriticality, burnup and safety issues.



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