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The Experimental and simulation results of LIVE-J2 test; Investigation on heat transfer in a solid-liquid mixture pool

間所 寛; 山下 拓哉; Gaus-Liu, X.*; Cron, T.*; Fluhrer, B.*; 佐藤 一憲; 溝上 伸也*

Nuclear Technology, 209(2), p.144 - 168, 2023/02

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:17.57(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Since the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) lower head failure determines the subsequent ex-vessel accident progression, it is a key issue to understand the accident progression of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F). The RPV failure is largely affected by thermal loads on the vessel wall and thus it is inevitable to understand thermal behavior of molten metallic pool with co- existence of solid oxide fuel debris. In the past decades, numerous experiments have been conducted to investigate a homogeneous molten pool behavior. Few experiments, however, addresses the melting and heat transfer process of debris bed consisted of materials with different melting temperatures. LIVE-J2 experiment aimed to provide the experimental data on a solid-liquid mixture pool in a simulated RPV lower head under various conditions. The extensive measurements of the melt temperature indicate the heat transfer regimes in a solid-liquid mixture pool. The test results showed that the conductive heat transfer was dominant during the steady state along the vessel wall boundary and that convective heat transfer takes place inside the mixture pool. Besides the experimental performance, the test case was numerically simulated by using ANSYS Fluent. The simulation results generally agree with the measured experimental data. The flow regime and transient melt evolution were able to be estimated by the calculated velocity field and the crust thickness, respectively.


シビアアクシデント解析・実験の最新技術動向,2; 福島第一原子力発電所における原子炉圧力容器破損メカニズムの解明に向けた取り組み

間所 寛*; 永江 勇二

日本原子力学会誌ATOMO$$Sigma$$, 64(9), p.500 - 503, 2022/09



BWR lower head penetration failure test focusing on eutectic melting

山下 拓哉; 佐藤 拓未; 間所 寛; 永江 勇二

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 173, p.109129_1 - 109129_15, 2022/08


 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:34.71(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Decommissioning work occasioned by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F) accident of March 2011 is in progress. Severe accident (SA) analysis, testing, and internal investigation are being used to grasp the 1F internal state. A PWR system that refers to the TMI-2 accident is typical for SA codes and testing, on the other hand, a BWR system like 1F is uncommon, understanding the 1F internal state is challenging. The present study conducted the ELSA-1 test, a test that focused on damage from eutectic melting of the liquid metal pool and control rod drive (CRD), to elucidate the lower head (LH) failure mechanism in the 1F accident. The results demonstrated that depending on the condition of the melt pool formed in the lower plenum, a factor of LH boundary failure was due to eutectic melting. In addition, the state related to the CRD structure of 1F unit 2 were estimated.


Post-test analyses of the CMMR-4 test

山下 拓哉; 間所 寛; 佐藤 一憲

Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, 8(2), p.021701_1 - 021701_13, 2022/04

Understanding the final distribution of core materials and their characteristics is important for decommissioning the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F). Such characteristics depend on the accident progression in each unit. However, boiling water reactor accident progression involves great uncertainty. This uncertainty, which was clarified by MAAP-MELCOR Crosswalk, cannot be resolved with existing knowledge and was thus addressed in this work through core material melting and relocation (CMMR) tests. For the test bundle, ZrO$$_{2}$$ pellets were installed instead of UO$$_{2}$$ pellets. A plasma heating system was used for the tests. In the CMMR-4 test, useful information was obtained on the core state just before slumping. The presence of macroscopic gas permeability of the core approaching ceramic fuel melting was confirmed, and the fuel columns remained standing, suggesting that the collapse of fuel columns, which is likely in the reactor condition, would not allow effective relocation of the hottest fuel away from the bottom of the core. This information will help us comprehend core degradation in boiling water reactors, similar to those in 1F. In addition, useful information on abrasive water suspension jet (AWSJ) cutting for debris-containing boride was obtained in the process of dismantling the test bundle. When the mixing debris that contains oxide, metal, and boride material is cut, AWSJ may be repelled by the boride in the debris, which may cut unexpected parts, thus generating a large amount of waste in cutting the boride part in the targeted debris. This information will help the decommissioning of 1F.


Estimation of long-term ex-vessel debris cooling behavior in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant unit 3

佐藤 一憲; 山路 哲史*; Li, X.*; 間所 寛

Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 9(2), p.21-00436_1 - 21-00436_17, 2022/04

Interpretation for the two-week long Unit 3 ex-vessel debris cooling behavior was conducted based on the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F) data and the site data such as pressure, temperature, gamma ray level and live camera pictures. It was estimated that the debris relocated to the pedestal was in partial contact with liquid water for about initial two days. With the reduction of the sea water injection flowrate, the debris, existed mainly in the pedestal region, became "dry", in which the debris was only weakly cooled by vapor and this condition lasted for about four days until the increase of the sea water injection. During this dry period, the pedestal debris was heated up and it took further days to re-flood the heated up debris.


LIVE-J1 experiment on debris melting behavior toward understanding late in-vessel accident progression of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

間所 寛; 山下 拓哉; 佐藤 一憲; Gaus-Liu, X.*; Cron, T.*; Fluhrer, B.*; St$"a$ngle, R.*; Wenz, T.*; Vervoortz, M.*; 溝上 伸也

Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 16 Pages, 2022/03

Debris and molten pool behavior in the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) lower plenum is a key factor to determine its failure mode, which affects the initial condition of ex-vessel accident progression and the debris characteristics. These are necessary information to accomplish safe decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. After dryout of the solidified debris in the lower plenum, metallic debris is expected to melt prior to the oxide debris due to its lower melting temperature. The lower head failure is likely be originated by the local thermal load attack of a melting debris bed. Numerous experiments have been conducted in the past decades to investigate the homogeneous molten pool behavior with external cooling. However, few experiments address the transient heat transfer of solid-liquid mixture without external cooling. In order to enrich the experimental database of melting and heat transfer process of debris bed consisted of materials with different melting temperatures, LIVE-J1 experiment was conducted using ceramic and nitrate particles as high melting and low melting temperature simulant materials, respectively. The test results showed that debris height decreased gradually as the nitrate particles melt, and molten zone and thermal load on vessel wall were shifted from bottom upwards. Both conductive and convective heat transfer could take place in a solid-liquid mixture pool. These results can support the information from the internal investigations of the primary containment vessel and deepen the understanding of the accident progression.


Estimation of the core degradation and relocation at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 based on RELAP/SCDAPSIM analysis

間所 寛; 佐藤 一憲

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 376, p.111123_1 - 111123_15, 2021/05

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:71.07(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Estimation of the final debris distribution at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F) is inevitable for a safe and effective decommissioning. It is necessary to clarify possible failure modes of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV), which is influenced by the thermal status of slumped debris that highly depends on the in-vessel accident progression. The accident analysis of 1F Unit 2 (1F2) was conducted using the RELAP/SCDAPSIM code. One of the unsolved issues of 1F2 is the mechanism of three pressure peaks measured through late Mar. 14 to early March 15, 2011. Comparing the results of previous boiling water reactor (BWR) core degradation experiments and that of 1F2 numerical analysis, it can be estimated that most relocated metallic materials had solidified at the core bottom at the onset of first pressure peak. It is likely that the pressure increase occurred due to the evaporation of injected water reaching the heated core plate structures. Between the first and second pressure peaks, the water is assumed to have been injected continuously and the water level was likely to have recovered to BAF at the initiation of the second pressure peak. Probable slumping of a certain amount of molten materials initiated the second pressure peak and the subsequent gradual pressure increase continued possibly due to massive reaction between coolant and remaining Zircaloy in the core. Assuming the closure of the safety relief valve (SRV) at 0:00 on Mar. 15, the third pressure peak was well reproduced in the analysis.



間所 寛; 永江 勇二

no journal, , 



Post-test analysis of the CMMR-4 test bundle

間所 寛; 山下 拓哉; 佐藤 一憲

no journal, , 

The test bundle of the latest test CMMR-4, Core-Material Melting and Relocation experiment, consists of 48 fuel rods filled with ZrO$$_{2}$$ simulant pellets with Zircaloy claddings, a control blade with B$$_{4}$$C particles in SS tube and sheath, two Zircaloy channel box walls, and lower support structures. The height of the test bundle was 80 cm and the heating system of the test was the plasma heating, which enabled melting of the oxide simulant fuel pellets. The test confirmed that macroscopic gas permeability existed until the ceramic-fuel melted and that the hot fuel rods tended to remain as columns in the core region, which suggests the heating of the support structure in earlier phase is unlikely. This information is useful not only for 1F decommissioning but also for further understanding of a BWR severe accident progression. The test bundle was cut by using the abrasive waterjet (AWJ) technique that uses abrasive garnet of 150-300 micro m with feed rate of approximately 1.5 kg/min. In order to cut off about 30 mm of ZrB$$_{2}$$ spot contained in the relocated melts, 750 liters of water, 84 kg of garnet and one nozzle replacement were necessary. The EPMA and XRD analyses of the cross-section showed that the place where repelled the garnet-contained waterjet contained ZrB$$_{2}$$. Since the cutting by AWJ technique has the property of selectively abrading the soft spots of the material, it must be noted that, in case of utilizing the technique in 1F decommissioning, garnet might be repelled by a hard boride and abrades places which were not expected.



間所 寛; Gaus-Liu, X.*; Cron, T.*; Fluhrer, B.*; St$"a$ngle, R.*; Wenz, T.*; Vervoortz, M.*; 山下 拓哉; 佐藤 一憲; 溝上 伸也

no journal, , 



Estimation of the in-depth debris status of Fukushima Unit-2 and Unit-3 with multi-physics modeling, 5; Numerical analysis of simulant molten debris spreading and ablation on BWR pedestal experiments with MPS method

Li, X.*; 山路 哲史*; Duan, G.*; 古谷 正祐*; 深井 尋史*; 佐藤 一憲; 間所 寛; 大石 佑治*

no journal, , 

The Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method is being developed for simulation of multi-component liquid/solid relocation with solid-liquid phase changes. Main model developments and validation of the developed code against the simulated spreading and ablation experiments are summarized in the current paper.


Multi-Physicsモデリングによる福島2・3号機ペデスタル燃料デブリ深さ方向の性状同定,12; 2号機、3号機におけるデブリのペデスタル移行履歴の検討

佐藤 一憲; 山路 哲史*; 古谷 正祐*; 大石 佑治*; Li, X.*; 間所 寛

no journal, , 



Multi-Physicsモデリングによる福島2・3号機ペデスタル燃料デブリ深さ方向の性状同定,3; ねらいと全体計画及び一年目の進捗

山路 哲史*; 古谷 正祐*; 大石 佑治*; 佐藤 一憲; Li, X.*; 深井 尋史*; 間所 寛

no journal, , 



福島第一原子力発電所の炉格納容器内等で採取された試料分析,6; 燃料デブリ取出しに向けた分析結果の活用方法

倉田 正輝; 間所 寛; 奥村 啓介; 佐藤 一憲; 溝上 暢人*; 伊東 賢一*; 溝上 伸也*

no journal, , 



Multi-Physicsモデリングによる福島2・3号機ペデスタル燃料デブリ深さ方向の性状同定,2; 2、3号機燃料デブリ状態に係る論点

佐藤 一憲; 山路 哲史*; 古谷 正祐*; 大石 佑治*; Li, X.; 間所 寛; 深井 尋史*

no journal, , 



Multi-Physicsモデリングによる福島2・3号機ペデスタル燃料デブリ深さ方向の性状同定,4; 2号機RPVバウンダリー破損モードの検討

佐藤 一憲; 山路 哲史*; 古谷 正祐*; 大石 佑治*; Li, X.*; 間所 寛; 深井 尋史*

no journal, , 



Multi-Physicsモデリングによる福島2・3号機ペデスタル燃料デブリ深さ方向の性状同定,9; 福島第一原子力発電所3号機デブリのペデスタル移行時に着目したプラントデータの分析

佐藤 一憲; 山路 哲史*; 古谷 正祐*; 大石 佑治*; Li, X.*; 間所 寛; 深井 尋史*

no journal, , 



Estimation of the in-depth debris status of Fukushima Unit-2 and Unit-3 with multi-physics modeling, 10; Evaluation of debris relocation and interaction with pedestal structures in Fukushima Daiichi Unit-3 with MPS method

Li, X.*; 山路 哲史*; 佐藤 一憲; 古谷 正祐*; 間所 寛; 大石 佑治*

no journal, , 

The Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method is developed to simulate debris relocation and interaction with pedestal structures in Fukushima Daiichi (1F) Unit-3. Different debris distributions and structure damages are evaluated with different debris relocation amount / intervals and convective vapor cooling from the debris surface.



佐藤 拓未; 山下 拓哉; 間所 寛; 永江 勇二

no journal, , 


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