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Time dependence of distribution of radionuclides in soil near the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station


藤原 健壮 ; 佐々木 隆之*; 的場 大輔*; 飯島 和毅  

Fujiwara, Kenso; Sasaki, Takayuki*; Matoba, Daisuke*; Iijima, Kazuki


Depth profiles of radionuclides atmospheric discharged to the environment of Fukushima was obtained nearby the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS). According to the profiles, it was suggested that deposition of Pu-238 and Cs-137 was mostly caused by atmospheric discharge by the FDNPS accident, however, in the case of Pu-239+240, it is necessary to consider the effect of global fallout. For understanding on the migration behaviour of radionuclide, it is necessary to obtain the profiles attributed by the accident and global fallout. In this study, in order to clarify the profile of soil, time dependence of depth profile of Cs and Pu in the soil outside of FDNPS site was measured. Based on the results of this study, it was confirmed that Pu and Cs will not be transferred significantly in the soil over several years. In the case of Pu, concentration of fallout and discharge was calculated. This data is considered to be useful for the safety assessment of waste in FDNPS, especially, measurement of other nuclides can also show the utility of transport ratio based on Cs concentration.



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