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Migration behavior of radionuclides deposited in forest near FDNPS; Evaluation by advection dispersion model

福島第一原子力発電所付近の森林に沈着した放射性核種の移行挙動; 移流分散モデルによる評価

飯島 和毅  ; 藤原 健壮 ; 的場 大輔*; 佐々木 隆之*

Iijima, Kazuki; Fujiwara, Kenso; Matoba, Daisuke*; Sasaki, Takayuki*


Depth profiles of radionuclides discharged to the environment of Fukushima was obtained in the forest soil just nearby the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS). According to characteristics of the depth profile, Pu-238 was originated from the FDNPS accident, while Pu-239+240 was mainly originated from global fallout. Comparing depth profiles attributed by the accident and global fallout can give understanding on the migration behavior of Pu in subsurface soil during decades. In this study, advection-dispersion model was applied to evaluate the depth profiles of Pu isotopes. The Kd values for global fallout Pu-239+240 agreed with those of Fukushima Pu-238 within around factor 3. Therefore, migration behavior of Pu could be understood by the advection-dispersion model.



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