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Recent update of AMATERAS; A Cold-neutron disk-chopper spectrometer


中島 健次  ; 河村 聖子   ; 古府 麻衣子   ; 村井 直樹  ; 稲村 泰弘  ; 菊地 龍弥*  ; 若井 大介*

Nakajima, Kenji; Kawamura, Seiko; Kofu, Maiko; Murai, Naoki; Inamura, Yasuhiro; Kikuchi, Tatsuya*; Wakai, Daisuke*


The recent update of AMATERAS, a cold-neutron disk-chopper spectrometer at Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC), is reported. AMATERAS has been operating for a decade. Since 2017, some updates have been done or are underway, which include installing new detectors, replacing the vacuum system of the scattering chamber, and other works. We are also working on the re-investigation of the resolution function. Demonstration measurements were carried out at 1MW test operations done in 2018 and 2019. Plans of upgrading the spectrometer are currently being considered.



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