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Influence evaluation of sampling methods of the nondestructive examination on failure probability of piping based on probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis


真野 晃宏 ; 勝山 仁哉  ; Li, Y. 

Mano, Akihiro; Katsuyama, Jinya; Li, Y.


Non-destructive examinations (NDEs) have an important role in assurance of the structural integrity of nuclear components including pipe lines. In Japanese nuclear power plants, NDEs are performed for welds in piping in accordance with the rules such as the Rules on Fitness-for-Service for Nuclear Power Plants of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. For the welds where stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is not postulated, NDEs are performed in each 10-year interval. For each interval, the extent of examination is specified in the rules. In general, there are two kinds of sampling method for selecting welds to be examined in each interval considering the specified extent of examination. The first method is the fixed location sampling method, in which welds for NDEs are same as those examined in the last interval. The second method is the random location sampling method, in which welds for NDEs are selected from those not examined in the last interval. The selection of the sampling method is important to assure the structural integrity of piping. Probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) analysis which is one of rational structural integrity assessment methods can quantitatively calculate failure probability of welds in piping considering aging degradation mechanisms such as SCC and fatigue as well as crack detections and repair of cracked welds through NDE. In this study, to clarify the influence of the sampling methods on structural integrity of piping, we evaluated the failure probability of a typical nuclear piping considering NDEs based on the two sampling methods through PFM analysis. From the results, we clarified the quantitative influence of two sampling methods on failure probability of piping.



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