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 年 ~ 


Evaluation of pore migration behavior during irradiation to affect the MA-bearing MOX fuel restructuring by 2-dimensional analyses

小澤 隆之   ; 廣岡 瞬 ; 加藤 正人   ; Verdolin, F.*; Novascone, S.*

Ozawa, Takayuki; Hirooka, Shun; Kato, Masato; Verdolin, F.*; Novascone, S.*


3-dimensional analysis code BISON-MOX to be applied for the irradiation behavior of MOX fuels is being developed by installing MOX fuel properties and analysis models to BISON, which has been developed in INL. Applying the thermal conductivity of MOX fuel and the pore migration model based on vapor pressure of vapor species, the O/M dependence of fuel restructuring observed in MA-bearing MOX fuels irradiation in Joyo were evaluated by 2-dimensional analyses with BISON-MOX.



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