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Report No.

Studies on the effective dose for public calculated by air dose rate

Endo, Yuya; Yamaguchi, Katsuhiko*; Takase, Tsugiko* ; Uezu, Yasuhiro; Tsukada, Hirofumi*

After the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station accident, the Ministry of the Environment decided that the additional annual dose in a high exposure situation (less than 20 mSv/y) reduced to 1 mSv/y or less. The additional annual dose is calculated by ambient dose equivalent. However, the relationship among air kerma, ambient dose equivalent and effective dose seems to be identically by many people. In addition, conversion coefficients from air kerma and ambient dose equivalent to effective dose have been considered to change as time proceeds because the half-lives of $$^{137}$$Cs and $$^{134}$$Cs are different. Therefore, agricultural land in an evacuation zone was selected to evaluate relationship among them. Furthermore, the actual environment such as soil will be simulated by using a Monte Carlo radiation transport code PHITS. Finally, the relationship will be verified by comparing the results calculated by PHITS to ones obtained from actual environmental monitoring.



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