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An Agent-based model analysis for colony formation and cell cycle in human lens epithelial cells

清野 良輔*; 浜田 信行*; 松谷 悠佑  ; 伊達 広行*

Seino, Ryosuke*; Hamada, Nobuyuki*; Matsuya, Yusuke; Date, Hiroyuki*


Risk of cataract after low-dose exposure to radiation has drawn an attention; however, its onset mechanisms remain uncertain. In recent years, based on ${it in vitro}$ experiments using human lens epithelial cells (HLEC1), it has been reported that irradiation with higher dose than 2 Gy can enhance cell proliferation (excessive proliferation), which is suspected as an important factor for dose response for cataract. In this study, to clarify the excessive proliferation for the HLEC1 cells, we developed a model for predicting colony formation after exposure using agent-based model, NetLogo. This model newly considers the premature aging and DNA damage repair processes, and was compared to the experimental probability density of colony size. The model predictions considering the premature aging was in good agreement with the experimental colony size, while we succeeded in reproducing measured cell-cycle distribution using the model accounting DNA repair process. This model analysis suggests that the premature aging of the HLEC1 cells is an important factor for determining the proliferation ability. The developed model can contribute to analyzing the underlying mechanisms for clonogenicity of the HLEC1 cells after exposure in future study.



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