※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Design and produce two sets of multi-joint manipulator (for opening a door) against nuclear disaster and a crawler robot for opening and closing manual valves

西山 裕; 岩井 正樹; 千葉 悠介; 椿 裕彦; 大野 隼人*; 早坂 寿郎*; 羽生 敏紀*

Nishiyama, Yutaka; Iwai, Masaki; Chiba, Yusuke; Tsubaki, Hirohiko; Ono, Hayato*; Hayasaka, Toshiro*; Hanyu, Toshinori*


Maintenance and Operation Section for Remote Control Equipment in Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development is the main part of the nuclear emergency response team of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) in full-scale operation starts on the 1st of April, 2020. The section needs to develop equipment for JAEA nuclear emergency. Because of dealing the full-scale operation, the section designed and produced two sets of Multi-joint Manipulator or (for Opening Doors) against Nuclear Disaster in order to put them on two crawler robots in 2018 fiscal year. And the section also designed and produced a Crawler Robot for Opening and Closing Manual Valves in 2019 fiscal year. This report shows two sets of Multi-Joint Manipulator (for Opening Doors) and a Crawler Robot for Opening and Closing Manual Valves designed and produced by Maintenance and Operation Section for Remote Control Equipment in 2018 and 2019 fiscal year.



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