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 年 ~ 

Transverse asymmetry of $$gamma$$ rays from neutron-induced compound states of $$^{140}$$La


山本 知樹*; 奥平 琢也; 遠藤 駿典   ; 藤岡 宏之*; 広田 克也*; 猪野 隆*; 石崎 貢平*; 木村 敦   ; 北口 雅暁*; 古賀 淳*; 牧瀬 荘*; 新實 裕大*; 奥 隆之   ; 酒井 健二 ; 嶋 達志*; 清水 裕彦*; 高田 秀佐*; 谷 結以花*; 吉川 大幹*; 吉岡 瑞樹*

Yamamoto, Tomoki*; Okudaira, Takuya; Endo, Shunsuke; Fujioka, Hiroyuki*; Hirota, Katsuya*; Ino, Takashi*; Ishizaki, Kohei*; Kimura, Atsushi; Kitaguchi, Masaaki*; Koga, Jun*; Makise, So*; Niinomi, Yudai*; Oku, Takayuki; Sakai, Kenji; Shima, Tatsushi*; Shimizu, Hirohiko*; Takada, Shusuke*; Tani, Yuika*; Yoshikawa, Hiromoto*; Yoshioka, Tamaki*

An sp-mixing model, which describes a compound nuclear reaction by mixing partial waves, predicts a correlation term in this reaction. The correlation term $$sigma_n$$ $$cdot$$ ($$k_n$$ $$times$$ $$k_gamma$$) in the $$^{139}$$La(n,$$gamma$$) reaction has been studied by measuring $$gamma$$-ray and neutron energies utilizing epithermal polarized neutrons and germanium detectors. The transverse asymmetry for single $$gamma$$-ray transition was measured to be 0.60 $$pm$$ 0.19 in the p-wave resonance.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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