※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Development of fuel performance analysis code, BISON for MOX, named Okami; Analyses of pore migration behavior to affect the MA-bearing MOX fuel restructuring

燃料挙動解析コードMOX用BISON、Okamiの開発; MA含有MOX燃料組織変化に影響するポア移動挙動解析

小澤 隆之   ; 廣岡 瞬 ; 加藤 正人   ; Novascone, S.*; Medvedev, P.*

Ozawa, Takayuki; Hirooka, Shun; Kato, Masato; Novascone, S.*; Medvedev, P.*


To evaluate the O/M dependence of pore migration regarding fuel restructuring at the beginning of irradiation, we are developing BISON for MOX in cooperation with INL and have installed pore migration model considering vapor pressure of vapor species and thermal conductivity for MOX. The O/M dependence of fuel restructuring observed in MA-bearing MOX irradiation experiment in Joyo was evaluated by the 2-dimensional analyses. Four MA-bearing MOX pins with different O/M ratio and pellet/cladding gap size were irradiated in Joyo B14 experiment. Remarkable restructuring of stoichiometric MA-bearing MOX fuels was observed in PIE, and could be evaluated by considering the influence of O/M ratio on vapor pressure. Also, a central void assumes to move toward wide-gap side when the pellet eccentricity taking place, but 2-dimentional analyses on pellet transverse section revealed that the central void formation observed in PIE would be inconsistent with a direction of the pellet eccentricity.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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