※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

BCC鉄におけるへき開面と転位の射出; 分子動力学シミュレーション

Cleavage planes and dislocation emissions in BCC Fe; Molecular dynamics study

鈴土 知明   ; 海老原 健一   ; 都留 智仁   

Suzudo, Tomoaki; Ebihara, Kenichi; Tsuru, Tomohito


BCC metals are used for various purposes as structural materials, but it is known that they become brittle in the low temperature region and brittleness is promoted by impurities such as hydrogen. It is desirable to properly model and predict the phenomenon, but the mechanism is very complicated and it is not easy to model. Fracture is a macroscopic phenomenon, but it is also a microscopic phenomenon caused by the breakage of interatomic bonds. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately reproduce the atomic arrangement and stress concentration at the crack tip, and to predict the breakage and plastic deformation of the interatomic bond. In this study, to model the cleavage of BCC metals, molecular dynamics simulation was performed for iron as an example. The results showed that cleavage on {100} was the easiest to grow.



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