※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Long-term scheduling of inspection process for evaluating operability and maintainability of fast reactor plants


鈴木 正昭*; 伊藤 真理*; 橋立 竜太 ; 高橋 慧多; 矢田 浩基 ; 高屋 茂  

Suzuki, Masaaki*; Ito, Mari*; Hashidate, Ryuta; Takahashi, Keita; Yada, Hiroki; Takaya, Shigeru

To realize the reasonable and effective maintenance of nuclear power plants, it is essential to optimize the aging management from the viewpoints of both safety and efficiency. However, maintenance scheduling is currently manually handled, which is a time-consuming process because of the large number of components and constraints that must be taken into account when creating a schedule. Besides, there is plenty of room for improvement in the schedules because most of the maintenance requirements are manually checked. Furthermore, to develop next-generation power plants with excellent operability, it is necessary to make it possible to evaluate operability and maintainability in advance at the design stage. Our final objective is to develop and implement an automatic scheduling system using the mathematical technique of Operations Research for addressing the inspection-process-scheduling problem in a sodium-cooled fast reactor plant.



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