Evaluation of clearance level for radionuclides in asbestos-containing wastes
島田 太郎 ; 根本 宏美*; 武田 聖司
Shimada, Taro; Nemoto, Hiromi*; Takeda, Seiji
Of the asbestos-containing wastes arising from the dismantling activities of nuclear facilities, those with radioactive concentrations that do not need to be treated as radioactive substances will be cleared from the nuclear regulatory control. Those will be disposed of or recycled as specially controlled industrial waste based on the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act. The authors constructed evaluation scenarios according to the treatment manual for asbestos-containing waste and evaluated public exposure doses per year for 33 radionuclides. Based on the evaluated doses, the radioactive concentration corresponding to the dose criteria of 10 Sv/y for clearance was calculated for each radionuclide and scenario. As a result, the evaluated concentration was equal to or higher than the current clearance level. It was confirmed that the application of the current clearance level for asbestos-containing wastes did not affect safety.