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 年 ~ 


Acceleration of locally mesh allocated Poisson solver using mixed precision

小野寺 直幸   ; 井戸村 泰宏   ; 長谷川 雄太   ; 下川辺 隆史*; 青木 尊之*

Onodera, Naoyuki; Idomura, Yasuhiro; Hasegawa, Yuta; Shimokawabe, Takashi*; Aoki, Takayuki*


We develop a mixed-precision preconditioner for the pressure Poisson equation in a two-phase flow CFD code JUPITER-AMR. The multi-grid (MG) preconditioner is constructed based on the geometric MG method with a three- stage V-cycle, and a cache-reuse SOR (CR-SOR) method at each stage. The numerical experiments are conducted for two-phase flows in a fuel bundle of a nuclear reactor. The MG-CG solver in single-precision shows the same convergence histories as double-precision, which is about 75% of the computational time in double-precision. In the strong scaling test, the MG-CG solver in single-precision is accelerated by 1.88 times between 32 and 96 GPUs.



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