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Coherent eddies transporting passive scalars through the plant canopy revealed by Large-Eddy simulations using the lattice Boltzmann method


渡辺 力*; 高木 毬衣*; 下山 宏*; 川島 正行*; 小野寺 直幸   ; 稲垣 厚至*

Watanabe, Tsutomu*; Takagi, Marie*; Shimoyama, Ko*; Kawashima, Masayuki*; Onodera, Naoyuki; Inagaki, Atsushi*


A double-distribution-function lattice Boltzmann model for large-eddy simulations of a passive scalar field is described within and above a plant canopy. For a top-down scalar, for which the plant canopy serves as a distributed sink, the flux of the scalar near the canopy top are predominantly determined by sweep motions originating far above the canopy. By contrast, scalar ejection events are induced by coherent eddies generated near the canopy top. In this paper, the generation of such eddies is triggered by the downward approach of massive sweep motions to existing wide regions of weak ejective motions from inside to above the canopy.



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分野:Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences



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