※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Effect of gamma-rays on the corrosion potential and polarization curve of stainless steel in the nitric acid media


入澤 恵理子 ; 山下 直輝; 加藤 千明   ; 佐野 成人

Irisawa, Eriko; Yamashita, Naoki; Kato, Chiaki; Sano, Naruto


In spent nuclear fuel reprocessing facilities, nitric acid solutions containing metal components derived from spent fuel are heated and concentrated. This process solution is highly corrosive to stainless steel. According to previous studies, it was shown that the dissolution of oxidizing metal ions causes the cathodic reaction to occur in a higher potential range than in pure nitric acid solutions. And, it has been suggested that the anodic reaction is not sensitive to dissolved metal ion species, but is determined by the concentration of acid nitrate chemical species such as HNO$$_{3}$$ and HNO$$_{2}$$. On the other hand, the radiation released from the fuel-derived radionuclides can cause radiolysis of the reprocessing process solution. It is known that nitrous acid is produced by radiolysis of nitric acid media and reaction of nitric acid with radiolysis products. The formation of nitrite is thought to affect the anodic reaction among the corrosion reactions on the surface of stainless steels. In order to understand the corrosion reaction of stainless steel in reprocessing process solutions, it is necessary to evaluate the effect of gamma-rays on the anodic reaction of stainless steels in nitric acid media. In this study, the effect of gamma-rays on the corrosion potential and polarization curve of stainless steel in the nitric acid media was investigated. As a result, the increase in corrosion potential and the change in polarization curves were observed. And the causes of the obtained change of anodic polarization curves were verified from the results of nitrous acid addition and immersion time under non-irradiation.



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