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Development of a new function to analyze neutron responses of organic scintillators in PHITS

佐藤 大樹   ; 佐藤 達彦   

Satoh, Daiki; Sato, Tatsuhiko


Neutron-response functions and detection efficiencies of an organic scintillator are very important to determine the absolute yields of neutrons detected by the scintillator. While SCINFUL-QMD is a well-known computer code to calculate the responses and efficiencies, the code targets only a scintillator with right-circular cylinder put in a vacuum space. In this study, we incorporated the functions of SCINFUL-QMD for estimating responses and efficiencies into a generalized particle transport code PHITS. The nuclear-reaction model of SCINFUL-QMD based on a multi-body breakup theory was employed in PHITS, and the cross-section data of hydrogen and carbon nuclei were upgraded using the data of JENDL/HE-2007. In addition, tables to convert kinetic energy of charged particles to light outputs were installed and a user-defined tally of PHITS to control response and efficiency calculations was developed. The present results demonstrated that PHITS can be applied to neutron-response and detection-efficiency evaluations.



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