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Lattice dynamics in CePd$$_2$$Al$$_2$$ and LaPd$$_2$$Al$$_2$$

CePd$$_2$$Al$$_2$$ and LaPd$$_2$$Al$$_2$$における格子振動

Dole$v{z}$al, P.*; Cejpek, P.*; 筒井 智嗣*; 金子 耕士   ; Legut, D.*; Carva, K.*; Javorsk$'y$, P.*

Dole$v{z}$al, P.*; Cejpek, P.*; Tsutsui, Satoshi*; Kaneko, Koji; Legut, D.*; Carva, K.*; Javorsk$'y$, P.*

The interaction between phonons and 4f electrons, which is forming a new quantum state (quasi-bound state) beyond Born-Oppenheimer approximation, is very prominent and lattice dynamics plays here a key role. There is only a small number of compounds in which the experimental observation suggest such a scenario. One of these compounds is CePd$$_2$$Al$$_2$$. The inelastic X-ray scattering technique was used for mapping the phonon modes at X and Z points as well as in L and D directions, where the symmetry analysis of phonon modes was performed. The measured spectra are compared with the theoretical calculation, showing very good agreement. The results are discussed with respect to the magneto-elastic interaction. The phonon mode symmetry A1g was found to be unaffected by the interaction, which is in contrast to previous assumptions.



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分野:Multidisciplinary Sciences



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