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 年 ~ 

原子炉における機構論的限界熱流束評価技術の確立に向けて,2; 機構論的限界熱流束予測評価手法確立に向けた研究とその課題

Toward mechanistic evaluation of critical heat flux in nuclear reactors, 2; Recent studies and future challenges toward mechanistic and reliable CHF evaluation

大川 富雄*; 森 昌司*; Liu, W.*; 小瀬 裕男*; 吉田 啓之  ; 小野 綾子 

Okawa, Tomio*; Mori, Shoji*; Liu, W.*; Ose, Yasuo*; Yoshida, Hiroyuki; Ono, Ayako


The evaluation method of the critical heat flux based on the mechanism is needed for the efficient design and development of fuel in reactors and the appropriate safety evaluation. In this paper, the current researches relating to the mechanism of the critical heat flux are reviewed, and the issue to be considered in the future are discussed.



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