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Development of a supplementary outboard side thruster system for dynamic positioning control of autonomous surface vehicle

ダイナミック用の補助船外サイドスラスターシステムの開発 自律型水上ビークルの位置決め制御

加藤 哲*; 川村 大和*; 田原 淳一郎*; 馬場 尚一郎*; 眞田 幸尚   ; 藤井 俊*

Kato, Tetsu*; Kawamura, Yamato*; Tahara, Junichiro*; Baba, Shoichiro*; Sanada, Yukihisa; Fujii, Shun*


The development of a side thruster system (vehicle (ASV)) that can maintain the direction of travel on the autonomous surface will be explained. Currently, we are working on a mud radioactivity survey in collaboration with Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, and Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. Deposited at the mouth of Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, the main purpose is to collect unmanned mud using ASV. The Mad Collection has developed a side thruster system and implemented it in ASV. We have confirmed the operation of the ASV with the joystick by using the thruster system for operating the ASV by one person using the joystick.



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分野:Engineering, Civil



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