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Development of projection autoradiography technique using magnetic fields


栗田 圭輔  ; 酒井 卓郎; 鈴井 伸郎*; 尹 永根*; 飯倉 寛  ; 河地 有木*

Kurita, Keisuke; Sakai, Takuro; Suzui, Nobuo*; Yin, Y.-G.*; Iikura, Hiroshi; Kawachi, Naoki*


We have developed a novel technique named projection autoradiography. Charged particles in a magnetic field move spirally following the Larmor precession. By utilizing this phenomenon, it is possible to control the trajectory of beta particles emitted from the sample and project the RI distribution onto the IP. Specifically, a uniform magnetic field is applied between the sample and IP, then the beta particles move spirally toward the IP without the severe deterioration of the sensitivity and resolution. In order to prove the new technique, an autoradiography experiment was performed. This result proved that projection autoradiography technique is promising for various applications, such as direct taking a radiograph of cultured samples in a petri dish, etc.



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