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検索結果: 131 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Tracer diffusion coefficient measurements on NASICON-type Lithium-ion conductor LAGP using neutron radiography between 25$$^{circ}$$C and 500$$^{circ}$$C

高木 穂乃香*; 薮塚 武史*; 林田 洋寿*; Song, F.; 甲斐 哲也; 篠原 武尚; 栗田 圭輔; 飯倉 寛; 山本 典央*; 中島 稔*; et al.

Solid State Ionics, 417, p.116716_1 - 116716_7, 2024/12

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)

Tracer diffusion coefficients of lithium-ions in the sintered samples of Li$$_{1.5}$$Al$$_{0.5}$$Ge$$_{1.5}$$(PO$$_4$$)$$_3$$ (LAGP) have been measured through the neutron radiography (NR) technique in the wide temperature range from 25$$^{circ}$$C to 500$$^{circ}$$C. The diffusion data above and below 300$$^{circ}$$C were collected using pulsed and reactor-generated neutrons, respectively, which coincide with each other at 300$$^{circ}$$C exhibiting a single curve in the Arrhenius plot. The room-temperature diffusion coefficient and the activation energy below 300$$^{circ}$$C are obtained as 1.47$$times$$10$$^{-9}$$ cm$$^2$$ s$$^{-1}$$ and 0.37 eV, respectively. The activation energy of the conductivity diffusion coefficient almost agrees with the tracer one, and the deduced Haven ratio of 0.40 is consistent with the concerted migration model of the lithium-ions.


Introduction to Neutron Radiography Facilities at the Japan Research Reactor-3

栗田 圭輔; 飯倉 寛; 土川 雄介; 甲斐 哲也; 篠原 武尚; 大平 直也*; 伊藤 大介*; 齊藤 泰司*; 松林 政仁

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 2605, p.012005_1 - 012005_6, 2023/10

2021年2月26日にJapan Research Ractor-3(JRR-3)の運転が再開され、2021年7月には利用運転が再開された。JRR-3の運転再開に伴い、TNRFとCNRFと呼ばれる2つのイメージング施設も利用を再開している。本発表では、これら2つの中性子施設の詳細について報告する。


Development of tracer particles for thermal hydraulic experiment by neutron imaging

齊藤 泰司*; 伊藤 大介*; 大平 直也*; 栗田 圭輔; 飯倉 寛

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 2605, p.012028_1 - 012028_6, 2023/10

中性子イメージングで流速分布を観察するためには、適切なトレーサーが必要である。その要件は、密度,視認性,濡れ性(液体金属に適用する場合)である。金カドミウムトレーサーは、Pb-Bi二相流に適用するために開発されたが、粒子径や測定システムによっては、可視性が検証されていない。トレーサー粒子の候補として、Ag, Cd, Au-Cd, Ag-Cdを組成と粒径を変えてテストした。その結果、1mm以上の粒子径であれば、十分な視認性が得られることがわかった。また、Cdトレーサー粒子を流動層に適用し、流動層材料として直径1mmのステンレス鋼製の金属粒子を用いた。Cdトレーサーの直径は約1.5mmである。中性子イメージングにより、トレーサーの視認性は流動層内の速度分布を測定するのに十分であることが確認された。


Measurements of gas-liquid two-phase flow dynamics using high-speed neutron imaging

伊藤 大介*; 大平 直也*; 伊藤 啓*; 齊藤 泰司*; 栗田 圭輔; 飯倉 寛

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 2605, p.012024_1 - 012024_6, 2023/10




伊藤 大介*; 大平 直也*; 伊藤 啓*; 齊藤 泰司*; 栗田 圭輔; 飯倉 寛

混相流, 37(1), p.73 - 78, 2023/03




黒田 陸斗*; 松本 亮介*; 小田 豊*; 深井 吾央*; 木田 健太*; 飯倉 寛; 栗田 圭輔

2022年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集, 6 Pages, 2022/09



中性子ラジオグラフィ装置"TNRF", "CNRF"

栗田 圭輔; 飯倉 寛

波紋, 31(1), p.11 - 13, 2021/02

原子力機構の応力・イメージング研究グループでは、2台の中性子ラジオグラフィ装置(TNRF: Thermal Neutron Radiography Facility、CNRF: Cold Neutron Radiography Facility)の管理を行っている。このTNRFとCNRFについて、その概要や過去の測定例、さらに現在行われている更新作業について簡潔にまとめ、本装置の紹介を行うものである。


Spallation and fragmentation cross sections for 168 MeV/nucleon $$^{136}$$Xe ions on proton, deuteron, and carbon targets

Sun, X. H.*; Wang, H.*; 大津 秀暁*; 櫻井 博儀*; Ahn, D. S.*; 合川 正幸*; 福田 直樹*; 磯部 忠昭*; 川上 駿介*; 小山 俊平*; et al.

Physical Review C, 101(6), p.064623_1 - 064623_12, 2020/06

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:58.73(Physics, Nuclear)

理化学研究所RIビームファクトリーにて逆運動学法を使用し、核子当たり168MeVの陽子, 重陽子, 炭素イオン入射による$$^{136}$$Xeのスポレーションおよびフラグメンテーション反応からの同位体生成断面積を測定した。炭素イオンの場合は全運動エネルギーが高くなるため、質量数の小さな同位体の生成断面積が大きくなった。また、今回新たに測定されたデータを以前により高い入射エネルギーで測定されたデータと比較することで、同位体生成断面積の入射エネルギー依存性を調査した。さらに、測定データをPHITS, SPACS, EPAX, DEURACSの計算値と比較した。本研究で測定したデータは、理論計算の良いベンチマークになると考えられる。


The Energy-resolved neutron imaging system, RADEN

篠原 武尚; 甲斐 哲也; 及川 健一; 中谷 健; 瀬川 麻里子; 廣井 孝介; Su, Y. H.; 大井 元貴; 原田 正英; 飯倉 寛; et al.

Review of Scientific Instruments, 91(4), p.043302_1 - 043302_20, 2020/04


 被引用回数:65 パーセンタイル:97.05(Instruments & Instrumentation)

The energy-resolved neutron imaging system, RADEN, has been installed at the pulsed neutron source in the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex. In addition to conventional neutron radiography and tomography, RADEN, the world's first imaging beam-line at a pulsed neutron source, provides three main options for new, quantitative neutron imaging techniques: Bragg-edge imaging to visualize the spatial distribution of crystallographic information, resonance absorption imaging for elemental composition and temperature information, and polarized neutron imaging for magnetic field information. This paper describes the results of characterization studies of the neutronic performance and installed devices at RADEN and shows the results of several demonstration studies for pulsed neutron imaging.


Deformation analysis of reinforced concrete using neutron imaging technique

小山 拓*; 上野 一貴*; 関根 麻里子*; 松本 吉弘*; 甲斐 哲也; 篠原 武尚; 飯倉 寛; 鈴木 裕士; 兼松 学*

Materials Research Proceedings, Vol.4, p.155 - 160, 2018/05

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Materials Science, Characterization & Testing)

We developed, in this study, a novel method to observe internal deformation of concrete by the neutron transmission imaging technique. In order to visualize the internal deformation of concrete, the cement paste markers containing Gd$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ powder were two-dimensionally dispersed around the ferritic deformed rebar in the reinforced concrete. This experiment was conducted using BL22, RADEN, in the Material and Life Science Experimental Facility of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex. The transmission images of the reinforced concrete sample were taken at several positions on the vertical sample stage, and the displacement of the marker from the initial position was successfully evaluated within approximately $$pm$$0.1 mm accuracy by image analysis for selected markers with higher contrast and circularity. Furthermore, concrete deformation under pull-out loading to the embedded rebar was evaluated by the same way, and its reaction compressive deformation was successfully observed by analyzing the displacement of the markers. The results obtained in this study bring beneficial knowledge that the measurement accuracy of the marker displacement can be improved more by choosing a spherical shape of the marker and by increasing the contrast of the marker.


Fabrication of neutron optical devices using PBW technique

酒井 卓郎; 飯倉 寛; 山田 尚人*; 佐藤 隆博*; 石井 保行*; 内田 正哉*

QST-M-8; QST Takasaki Annual Report 2016, P. 140, 2018/03

In this work, we report on the application of a UV/EB curable resin, in proton beam writing (PBW) for the fabrication of fine neutron optics devices. The resin is a liquid at room temperature; therefore, it mixes easily with functional materials, such as neutron absorbers. However, 20-30 $$mu$$m thick neutron absorber must be required as the grating materials. So PBW is a promising technique to fabricate the neutron devices. The fabrication process is similar to lithography. The neutron absorber is gadolinium oxide (Gd$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$). Pattern exposures are performed using 3 MeV proton beams approximately 1 $$mu$$m in diameter. The irradiated areas are quickly cured by polymerization. The fabricated gratings were observed using an optical microscope. The microscopic images show that the patterns of the fabricated structures agree well with the original one. In addition, a lateral direction of the sample was observed using the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The thickness of the sample is approximately 35 $$mu$$m. In conclusion, the fabrication of grating structures is successful and the results also proved that the UV/EB curable resin is very promising material for use in PBW micromachining.


Development of micro-structured fluorescent plates for high-resolution imaging

酒井 卓郎; 安田 良; 飯倉 寛; 松林 政仁

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 11, p.020005_1 - 020005_6, 2016/11

We have developed novel fluorescent plates for high-resolution imaging. The devices consist of capillary plates and fine phosphor grains, namely each capillary is filled with the grains. We used the capillary plates (HAMAMATSU, J5112-25D25U1TB) as substrates. The thickness of the plate is 1 mm and the diameter of each hole is 25 $$mu$$m. The phosphor grains are sifted silver-activated zinc sulfide (ZnS:Ag). The mean particle size is approximately 7 $$mu$$m. The fabricated fluorescent plates are observed using an optical microscope and a scanning electron microscope. The observation results show that all capillaries are filled with grains very well. The imaging experiment is performed using a small X-ray source. The results show that the fluorescent plates are expected to be compatible with both spatial resolution and detection efficiency.



飯倉 寛; 酒井 卓郎; 松林 政仁

波紋, 25(4), p.277 - 282, 2015/11



Using LiF crystals for high-performance neutron imaging with micron-scale resolution

Faenov, A.*; 松林 政仁; Pikuz, T.*; 福田 祐仁; 神門 正城; 安田 良; 飯倉 寛; 野島 健大; 酒井 卓郎; 塩澤 方浩*; et al.

High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 3, p.e27_1 - e27_9, 2015/10

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:47.92(Optics)

This paper describes an overview of our recent discovery - clear demonstration that LiF crystals can be efficiently used as a high-performance neutron imaging detector based on optically stimulated luminescence of color centers generated by neutron irradiation. It is shown that the neutron images we have obtained are almost free from granular noise, have a spatial resolution of 5.4 $$mu$$m and a linear response with a dynamic range of at least 10$$^{3}$$. The high contrast and good sensitivity of LiF crystals allow us to distinguish two holes with less than 2% transmittance difference. We propose to use such detectors in areas where high spatial resolution with high image gradation resolution is needed, including diagnostics of different plasma sources such as laser and z-pinch produced plasmas.


Homogeneity tests on neutron shield concrete

奥野 功一*; 飯倉 寛

Nuclear Science and Techniques, 25(S1), p.S010604_1 - S010604_5, 2014/12



Fabrication of fine imaging devices using an external proton microbeam

酒井 卓郎; 安田 良; 飯倉 寛; 野島 健大; 江夏 昌志; 佐藤 隆博; 石井 保行; 大島 明博*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 332, p.238 - 241, 2014/08

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:18.48(Instruments & Instrumentation)



Tracer diffusion coefficients of lithium ion in LiMn$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$ measured by neutron radiography

高井 茂臣*; 吉岡 和哉*; 飯倉 寛; 松林 政仁; 八尾 健*; 江坂 享男*

Solid State Ionics, 256, p.93 - 96, 2014/03

 被引用回数:37 パーセンタイル:76.19(Chemistry, Physical)

Lithiumisotope diffusion profiles in the cathodematerial LiMn$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$ have been measured by using neutron radiography technique to determine the tracer diffusion coefficients $$D$$ in the temperature range of 300$$^{circ}$$C to 800$$^{circ}$$C. Arrhenius plot of the diffusion coefficient shows a bend around 550$$^{circ}$$C. At the lower temperature region, the activation energy of the diffusion coefficient is obtained as 0.52 eV, which is essentially consistent with that of the reported NMR study. However, the extrapolated diffusion coefficient down to room temperature is considerably smaller than the chemical diffusion coefficients obtained by electrochemical methods. On the other hand, high temperature activation energy of 1.11 eV is relatively close to the previously investigated Li$$_{4}$$Ti$$_{5}$$O$$_{12}$$, which also exhibits spinel-type structure and possesses the similar diffusion path via the 16c site. Within the present study, sintering temperature at the LiMn$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$ sample preparation does not affect the tracer diffusion coefficient values.


Micromachining of commodity plastics by proton beam writing and fabrication of spatial resolution test-chart for neutron radiography

酒井 卓郎; 安田 良; 飯倉 寛; 野島 健大; 松林 政仁; 加田 渉; 江夏 昌志; 佐藤 隆博; 大久保 猛; 石井 保行; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 306, p.299 - 301, 2013/07

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:51.69(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Proton Beam Writing (PBW) is a direct-write technique for producing high-aspect-ratio micro- and nano-structures in resist material. This technique is a promising method for micromachining of commodity plastics such as acrylic resin. In this paper, we introduce fabrication of microscopic devices made of a relatively thick ($$sim$$75 $$mu$$m) acrylic sheet. An optimization of the fluence of 3 MeV proton beam to induce the chain scission in the sheet was performed at Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute, JAEA. A software program that converts image pixels into coordinates data has been developed, and a fine jigsaw puzzle was fabricated on the sheet. The piece size of jigsaw puzzle is 50 $$times$$ 50 $$mu$$m. For practical use, A line and space test-chart for spatial resolution measurement on neutron radiography was also successfully created.


Investigation of the brightness enhancement using brightness enhancement films on a scintillator

飯倉 寛; 筒井 紀彰*; 齋藤 泰司*; 野島 健大; 安田 良; 酒井 卓郎; 松林 政仁

Physics Procedia, 43, p.161 - 168, 2013/00

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:82.73(Physics, Applied)

In neutron imaging, to enhance brightness of a neutron detector is one of the important factors which lead to shortening of imaging time, or improvement in image quality. Recently, we devised a technique to increase the light intensity of reception for a camera by adding brightness enhancement films (BEF) on the output surface of the scintillator. By using the BEF (BEF II 90/24, Vikuiti 3M), brightness was enhanced, but spatial resolution was reduced. In this study, we compared the brightness and spatial resolution using several types of BEFs with different film thicknesses and prism pitch. In brightness, although the further enhancement was observed, most influences of film thickness or a prism pitch were not recognized. In spatial resolution, when film thickness became thin, the tendency for spatial resolution to improve was recognized.


A Line pair indicator made of Gd film for evaluating spatial resolution

安田 良; 松林 政仁; 酒井 卓郎; 野島 健大; 飯倉 寛; 片桐 政樹*; 高野 勝昌*; Pikuz, T.; Faenov, A.*

Physics Procedia, 43, p.196 - 204, 2013/00

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:52.29(Physics, Applied)

A device for evaluating spatial resolution of a neutron imaging system was developed. By laser processes the line-pair patterns were fabricated on the 5 micrometer thick Gd film evaporated on a glass plate. Large line-pairs ranging from 0.2 to 2 mm wide were machined by Nd:YVO$$_{4}$$ laser with 30 micometer in spot size and displayed on a brightness field. Small line-pairs ranging from 0.01 to 0.1 mm wide were done by eximer laser as a dark field. In the results of SEM observation, although the large line-pairs machined by Nd:YVO$$_{4}$$ laser chipped on the corner of the Gd bars, difference between the measured and designed line-pair eidthe controled within 20 micormeter absolutely. In small line-pairs below 0.1 mm processed by the eximer laser, sharper edge could be formed than that in the large line-pairs. In neutron imaging tests using a LiF/ZnS(Ag) scintillator and a CCD camera system, good contrast images were obtained at brightness field even in 5 micrometer thick. Small line-pairs on the dark field were observed at a LiF single crystal detector, which has ultra-high spatial resolution around 5 micrometer. Split of the small line-pairs even in 0.01 mm wide were shown with good contrast on the image.

131 件中 1件目~20件目を表示