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 年 ~ 

Variation in formation and migration of self-interstitial atom clusters in electron irradiated copper with material purity and specimen preparation method


佐藤 裕樹*; 阿部 陽介  ; 大久保 賢二*; 谷岡 隆志*

Sato, Yuki*; Abe, Yosuke; Okubo, Kenji*; Tanioka, Takashi*


Using in situ observation with high-voltage electron microscope, one-dimensional (1D) migration of self-interstitial atom (SIA) clusters under electron irradiation at 300 K was surveyed for copper materials of five nominal purities and TEM specimens prepared with three methods. In standard (STD) specimens that were prepared through cold rolling and annealing in the vacuum, formation and 1D migration of SIA clusters did not depend much on the nominal purity. In non-annealed (NA) specimens, prepared from high purity materials through mechanical processing and electropolishing, defect structure was coarser than in STD specimens. Results of bulk annealing (BA) specimens showed that annealing of as-received block material had minor effects. Above results were discussed based on the hypothesis that impurity atoms existing in as-received materials and those induced by annealing act as traps for SIA clusters.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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