再処理特別研究棟における廃液貯槽LV-1の原位置解体; 解体作業
In-situ dismantling of the liquid waste storage tank LV-1 in the JRTF; The Dismantling work
横塚 佑太; 砂押 瑞穂*; 酒井 達弥; 藤倉 敏貴; 半田 雄一; 村口 佳典; 三村 竜二
; 照沼 章弘
Yokozuka, Yuta; Sunaoshi, Mizuho*; Sakai, Tatsuya; Fujikura, Toshiki; Handa, Yuichi; Muraguchi, Yoshinori; Mimura, Ryuji; Terunuma, Akihiro
JAEA has dismantled equipment and instrument in the JAERI's Reprocessing Test Facility (JRTF) since 1996 as a part of its decommissioning. Starting in JFY 2007, in the annex building B which stored liquid waste generated in wet reprocessing tests, the liquid waste storage tank LV-1 installed in the LV-1 room of the first basement was dismantled with the in-situ dismantling method. The dismantling work is described in this report. Data on manpower, radiation control, and waste in the preparation work were collected, and its work efficiency was analyzed.