Three-dimensional electrical resistivity structure beneath the back-arc side of the southern Tohoku region
臼井 嘉哉*; 上嶋 誠*; 長谷 英彰*; 市原 寛*; 相澤 広記*; 小山 崇夫*; 坂中 伸也*; 小河 勉*; 山谷 祐介*; 西谷 忠師*; 浅森 浩一; 小川 康雄*; 吉村 令慧*; 高倉 伸一*; 三品 正明*; 森田 裕一*
Usui, Yoshiya*; Ueshima, Makoto*; Hase, Hideaki*; Ichihara, Hiroshi*; Aizawa, Koki*; Koyama, Takao*; Sakanaka, Shinya*; Ogawa, Tsutomu*; Yamaya, Yusuke*; Nishitani, Tadashi*; Asamori, Koichi; Ogawa, Yasuo*; Yoshimura, Ryokei*; Takakura, Shinichi*; Mishina, Masaaki*; Morita, Yuichi*
In the back-arc area of the southern Tohoku region, there are several quaternary volcanos and active faults that have the potential to cause M7-class inland earthquakes. In the vicinity of some of the volcanoes, deep low-frequency earthquakes occur, implying the transfer of melt or aqueous fluid. So as to reveal the magma supply system around the area, it is important to reveal the distribution of the subsurface fluid. Also, understanding the fluid distribution helps elucidate the earthquake generation process. To delineate the subsurface electrical resistivity structure, the authors estimated the resistivity structure in the area by performing magnetotelluric surveys and generating the 3-D resistivity structure model with high resolution. In this study, the authors show the resultant electrical resistivity structure and discuss the subsurface fluid distribution as well as its relationship with the volcanic and seismic activities around the study area.