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Numerical reproduction of the seasonal variation in dissolved uranium in Lake Biwa


齋藤 龍郎  ; 山澤 弘実*; 望月 陽人  

Saito, Tatsuo; Yamazawa, Hiromi*; Mochizuki, Akihito


The seasonal variation of dissolved U (DU) in Lake Biwa was reproduced by the following model and parameter research. The introduced models are the water-DU mass balance, and the ion exchange between UO$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$ and H$$^{+}$$ on the lakeshore soil. The optimized parameters were the CEC of the lakeshore, TU as the sum of DU and AU (soil adsorbed U), kads and kdes as the first order reaction rate coefficients during rapid soil adsorption and desorption of U, respectively. Tabulated by the chemical equilibria constituting DU and analyzed the contribution of each chemical species, it is shown that the seasonal variation of DU is caused by the seasonal variation of pH. A correction to the ion-exchange equilibrium to shift to first order rate reaction only when the daily AU ratio increased above kads or decreased below kdes, improved the reproducibility of DU measurements and reproduced the delay of the DU peak from the pH peak.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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