※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Prediction of critical heat flux for the forced convective boiling based on the mechanism


小野 綾子 ; 坂下 弘人*; 山下 晋   ; 鈴木 貴行*; 吉田 啓之  

Ono, Ayako; Sakashita, Hiroto*; Yamashita, Susumu; Suzuki, Takayuki*; Yoshida, Hiroyuki


The new prediction method of critical heat flux (CHF) of the fuel assemblies based on the mechanism is proposed in this study. The prediction method of CHF based on the mechanism has been needed for a long time to enhance the safety analysis and reduce the design cost. From several experimental findings of the liquid-vapor behavior near the heating surface from the nucleate boiling to the CHF, the authors consider that the macrolayer dryout model will be appropriate to predict the CHF under the reactor condition. The prediction method of the macrolayer thickness and the passage period of vapor mass in the fuel assemblies are needed to predict CHF from the macrolayer dryout model. In this study, the CHF under the forced convection is evaluated by combining the prediction methods for the macrolayer thickness and passage period of vapor mass, which are proposed by authors. The prediction of the CHF under the forced convection is examined and compared with the experimental data.



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