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Development of proton exchange membranes for HI concentration in thermochemical water-splitting IS process

田中 伸幸 

Tanaka, Nobuyuki


A thermochemical water-splitting iodine-sulfur process enables us to provide the Carbon-free hydrogen (H$$_{2}$$) at high-efficiency levels, and it uses high-temperature heat sources, including high-temperature gas-cooled reactors, solar heat, and more. The cation exchange membranes (CEMs) for the HI mediated electro electrodialysis (EED) were developed using a radiation grafted polymerization method in order to improve the process efficiency of the IS process. High proton (H$$^{+}$$) conductivity and selectivity are required for the performance of CEMs to reduce the consumption energy for EED. The H$$^{+}$$ conductivity of the radiation grafted CEMs were successfully improved by controlling the grafting amount, comparing with that of Nafion. Moreover, the H$$^{+}$$ selectivity and water transport of the developed CEMs was improved by introducing the crosslinker. Currently, the further improvement of the membrane performance is underway by using the ion-track grafting technic.



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