被ばく低減のための環境・線源分布のデジタル化技術の開発,6; 線源・線量率推定システムの計算手法検証と有効性評価
Development of exposure reduction technologies by digitalization of environment and radioactive source distribution, 6; Computational method validation and effectiveness evaluation of an estimation system of radiation sources and dose rates
青木 勇斗; 伊藤 倫太郎; 北村 哲浩 ; 大森 崇純 ; 谷口 達郎 ; 井手 広史
Aoki, Yuto; Ito, Rintaro; Kitamura, Akihiro; Omori, Takazumi; Taniguchi, Tatsuro; Ide, Hiroshi
In this report, we present the validation results of the radiation source inverse estimation computation method and the effectiveness evaluation method of the "estimation system of radiation sources and dose rates" developed by JAEA. As for the validation test, the JMTR was used as the evaluation site, and the results of radiation source inverse estimation computations were compared with measured data. As a result, it was confirmed that the hot spot could be estimated approximately well. As for the effectiveness evaluation, the test field to be established at the NARREC and at the JMTR were used as the evaluation sites, and the effectiveness evaluation items such as the functions of each tool and the process of the system were summarized.