※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

廃止措置段階の原子力発電所におけるリスク評価手法の開発,2; 移動性インベントリの評価

Development of risk assessment methodology for nuclear power plants in decommissioning phase, 2; Evaluation of the mobile radioactive contaminants

笹川 剛  ; 島田 太郎 ; 武田 聖司 

Sasagawa, Tsuyoshi; Shimada, Taro; Takeda, Seiji


In the risk assessment of the decommissioning phase, the inventory of radioactivity accumulated in filters and other materials changes with the progress of dismantling work under normal conditions, and a method that can evaluate the public exposure dose during an accident in which these changes are taken into account is required. The inventories (the mobile radioactive contaminants) include filters in which radioactive dust scattered by equipment cutting work has accumulated and combustible waste generated by decontamination work. In this study, we developed a method to evaluate the accumulation of mobile contaminants in filters by calculating the amount of dust transferred into the air during equipment cutting operations using a model that evaluates the volume of the cutting kerf width and the scattering rate. Furthermore, the amount of the mobile contaminants that accumulates in local filters and building filters for each equipment was evaluated using this method, taking into account differences in cutting methods (underwater or in air) and work processes, and the equipment and work processes that should be focused on during regulatory inspections were studied preliminarily. It was suggested that some components cut in air generate the same amount of the mobile contaminants compared to core structural materials with high radioactivity that are cut in underwater. This indicates that the mobile contaminant is one of the important indicators in nuclear regulatory inspections that influence the selection of inspection targets.



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