※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Magnetic and transport properties of the pseudobrookite Al$$_{1-x}$$Ti$$_{2+x}$$O$$_{5}$$ single crystals


高濱 隆成*; 有薗 実駿*; 犬童 代梧*; 吉永 汰正*; 寺倉 千恵子*; 竹下 直*; 白崎 巧*; 野田 正亮*; 桑原 英樹*; 梶本 亮一  ; 斎木 琢夫*; 勝藤 拓郎*; 奥田 哲治*

Takahama, Ryusei*; Arizono, Mitsutoshi*; Indo, Daigo*; Yoshinaga, Taisei*; Terakura, Chieko*; Takeshita, Nao*; Shirasaki, Takumi*; Noda, Masaaki*; Kuwahara, Hideki*; Kajimoto, Ryoichi; Saiki, Takuo*; Katsufuji, Takuro*; Okuda, Tetsuji*

We investigated the transport and magnetic properties of single crystals of the pseudobrookite Al$$_{1-x}$$Ti$$_{2+x}$$O$$_{5}$$ for $$0 le x le 1$$ grown using a floating zone. We found a correlation of spin-singlet Ti$$^{3+}$$-Ti$$^{3+}$$ dimers even in the conductive $$alpha$$ and $$lambda$$ phases which develops with increasing $$x$$. The development of the dimer correlation suppresses the magnetic susceptibility at the low temperature and enhances the electric conductivity perhaps due to the suppression of the magnetic scattering at the isolated Ti$$^{3+}$$ ions. The compound shows the best conductivity in the $$lambda$$ phase near the phase boundary between the $$lambda$$ and $$beta$$ phases where the dimer correlation is much developed. Some exotic conductive state may be realized under the background of fluctuation of the spin-singlet dimer in the $$lambda$$ phase near the phase boudary.



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