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 年 ~ 

SRCAガラス溶解試験法の米国ASTM規格化に向けた検討; PNNLによるラウンドロビンテストに参加して

Establishment of Stirred-Reactor Coupon Analysis (SRCA) method for ASTM standards; Participation report in round robin studies by PNNL

高橋 裕太 ; 佐藤 淳也 ; 砂原 淳*; 三ツ井 誠一郎; Joseph, R.*; 大杉 武史  

Takahashi, Yuta; Sato, Junya; Sunahara, Jun*; Mitsui, Seiichiro; Joseph, R.*; Osugi, Takeshi

A round robin test of SRCA method for ASTM standards was organized by PNNL. The SRCA method is a new technique to measure waste form corrosion rates in dilute conditions. To determine the precision of the SRCA method, eleven different institutions from six countries evaluated four glass compositions in three different conditions. We devised a surface preparation technique for improvement of the accuracy of corrosion rates. The result indicated that our surface preparation technique was an effective way to decrease the standard deviation of corrosion rates.



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