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Report No.

Structural evaluation of coagulated surface of simulated waste glass by using Raman spectroscopy

Nagai, Takayuki  

Most of the simulated waste glasses used for physical property evaluation are processed into a shape suitable for the measurement method from glass gob obtained by slowly cooling molten glass to room temperature. However, the actual vitrified waste glass material is obtained by cooling and being coagulated the glass drained from the bottom of glass melter into the canister. In this study, Raman spectroscopy was performed on the coagulated surface of molten simulated waste glass in the depth direction to evaluate the state of the Si-O bridging structure near the coagulated glass surface. The Raman spectra measured from the surface to the depth direction near the surface of the glasses produced by several melting and coagulation conditions of molten simulated waste glass cullet in the air atmosphere, and it was confirmed that there were changes in these spectra. On the other hand, the raw material glass cullet and the surface of the glass solidified in argon gas atmosphere showed little change in the spectrum in the depth direction, and the Si-O bridging structure near the glass surface was similar. It was also confirmed that the spectrum change in the depth direction measurement was small for the cut surface of the glass, and that the change in the spectrum for the broken glass fracture surface was also small. For glasses with a large change in Raman spectra in the depth direction near the coagulated surface, the molten glass was cooled from the molten state to room temperature in a muffle furnace with air atmosphere. That is, the magnitude of the spectral change with respect to the depth direction depends on the time from the molten state to coagulation. In order to confirm the reason why the number of bridging oxygen in the Si-O bridging structure is small on the coagulated surface of glass, the XANES spectra of Si-K edge and Ce-L3 edge were measured by XAFS on the coagulated surface and the cutting face. As a result, the Si-K edge peak on the coagulated surface is



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