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燃料デブリの臨界特性を明らかにする定常臨界実験装置STACY更新炉の整備,9; 初臨界及び燃料デブリの静的挙動を模擬する実験炉心の検討

Modification of STACY for the study of criticality characteristics of fuel debris, 9; Study of core configurations for the first criticality and experiments simulating the static behavior of fuel debris

郡司 智  ; 荒木 祥平   ; 吉川 智輝 ; 井澤 一彦 ; 須山 賢也

Gunji, Satoshi; Araki, Shohei; Yoshikawa, Tomoki; Izawa, Kazuhiko; Suyama, Kenya


The Static Experiment Critical Facility (STACY) is being modified to achieve the first criticality to clarify criticality characteristics of fuel debris and is scheduled to start operation in May 2024 at the time of the registration. For detailed planning of critical experiments after the operation, the core configurations for the first criticality for each lattice plate with different neutron moderation conditions using 400 UO$$_{2}$$ fuel rods are being studied. In addition, we have confirmed the feasibility of the critical experiments to predict the changes in neutron multiplication factor and the associated critical water height for the two-part core experiment, which is one of the experiments being considered for the modified STACY and which statically simulates the fall and coalescence of fuel debris. The computation was done using MCNP code and JENDL-4.0 or JENDL-5 libraries. In this presentation, in addition to the status of these studies, we will also report on the status of the modification of the STACY.



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