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Characteristics of allowable axial cracks for pressurized pipes governed by limit load criteria


長谷川 邦夫; Li, Y. ; Udyawar, A.*; Lacroix, V.*

Hasegawa, Kunio; Li, Y.; Udyawar, A.*; Lacroix, V.*


When axial cracks were detected in pipes, failure stresses for high toughness pipes are estimated using the Limit Load Criteria. The allowable stresses for the cracked pipes are derived from the combination of the failure stresses and safety factors. The allowable sizes of crack depths and lengths are determined from the allowable stresses. From the comparison of the allowable and failure stresses for through-wall cracks, the allowable cracks are not uniform. They can be separated into three different characteristics, i) leak-before-break (LBB) and crack growth stability, ii) non-LBB and crack growth stability and iii) non-LBB and crack growth instability. Inspectors and users should pay special attention to allowable cracks with the third characteristic to prevent unexpected failure, particularly for thin-wall pipes. The allowable crack depths and lengths that require special attention can be expressed by appropriate equations.



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分野:Engineering, Multidisciplinary



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