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 年 ~ 


Numerical simulation for cooling by natural convection in a closed space containing porous materials

伊藤 光生*; 佐野 吉彦*; 桑原 不二朗*; 上澤 伸一郎  ; 吉田 啓之  

Ito, Koki*; Sano, Yoshihiko*; Kuwahara, Fujio*; Uesawa, Shinichiro; Yoshida, Hiroyuki


To estimate the thermal behavior of fuel debris in the primary containment vessel of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, we have developed a numerical simulation method for analyzing the thermal behavior of fuel debris during air cooling. Since fuel debris is assumed to be a porous material, by using a porous medium model, the numerical simulation was conducted to simulate the natural convection in a closed vessel with porous materials. The simulation was validated by comparing it with the experiment in JAEA.



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