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 年 ~ 


Corrosion behavior and mechanical properties of Modified SUS316 fuel cladding for fast reactors under a high-temperature sodium environment

今川 裕也 ; 豊田 晃大 ; 鬼澤 高志  ; 加藤 章一 

Imagawa, Yuya; Toyota, Kodai; Onizawa, Takashi; Kato, Shoichi


To establish a material testing technique in sodium and to develop a method to evaluate the sodium environmental effects, sodium tests on fast reactor fuel cladding have been carried out. Fast reactor fuel cladding is susceptible to corrosion thinning and compositional change due to sodium because of its high temperature (around 675$$^{circ}$$C) and thin wall (about 0.5 mm) during normal operation. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the corrosion behavior and mechanical properties under a high-temperature sodium environment. This report summarizes the results of experimental studies on corrosion behavior and mechanical properties of modified type 316 stainless steel fuel cladding applied to actual fast reactors under a high-temperature sodium environment, in order to reflect the results to future research activities and to consolidate knowledge and experience.



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