※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Estimation of river incision model by slope-area analysis on the Kamikita coastal plain, NE Japan

高井 静霞 ; 三箇 智二*; 島田 太郎 ; 武田 聖司 

Takai, Shizuka; Sanga, Tomoji*; Shimada, Taro; Takeda, Seiji


Understanding long-term future landscape evolution is indispensable for safety assessment for radioactive waste disposal. River incision can be modelled through a slope-area analysis, in which the channel profiles are compared with the bedrock river incision model (stream power model). Not only the section of bedrock river, tectonic uplift or bedrock geology can be inferred from the analysis. In addition, if these conditions are spatially uniform, the river incision model can be parameterized using basin-scale denudation rates estimated using terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (TCN). However, since the measurement of TCN needs quartz samples, the applicability of slope-area analysis to parameterize the river incision parameters has not been confirmed in sedimentary rock area. In this study, we conducted the slope-area analysis on the Kamikita coastal plain (sedimentary rock), where the denudation rate can be estimated from marine terraces widely distributed in this area. For 50 channels, log S (channel slope) and log A (drainage area) were linearly regressed in the upstream region, which is equal to the stream power model. Moreover, the estimated parameters of river incision model based on the marine terraces were within the range of the estimated parameters in previous studies based on TCN. Accordingly, the form and parameterization of river incision model can be implemented through the slope-area analysis in sedimentary rock area.



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