※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Description of the inclusive $$(d,d'x)$$ reaction with the semiclassical distorted-wave model


中田 響*; 吉田 数貴   ; 緒方 一介*

Nakada, Hibiki*; Yoshida, Kazuki; Ogata, Kazuyuki*


The description of deuteron-induced inclusive reactions has been an important subject in direct nuclear reaction studies and nuclear data science. For proton-induced inclusive processes, the semiclassical distorted wave model (SCDW) is one of the most successful models based on quantum mechanics. We improve SCDW for deuteron-induced inclusive processes. The changes in the kinematics due to the distortion effect, the refraction effect, is taken into account by the local semiclassical approximation. The calculated cross section of $$(d,d'x)$$ reasonably reproduce experimental data in the small energy-transfer region and at forward and middle angles with some exceptions. The angular distributions of the cross section are improved by including the refraction effect. The effect on the cross section is significant compared to that on the proton-induced inclusive process because of the stronger distortion effect on the deuteron.



- Accesses




分野:Physics, Nuclear



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