Basic study of tritium concentration measurement using a smear sample
植村 健朗; 藤田 博喜; 小池 優子; 久保田 智大 ; 小嵐 淳
Uemura, Takero; Fujita, Hiroki; Koike, Yuko; Kubota, Tomohiro; Koarashi, Jun
To establish a measurement method of surface contamination density of tritium on wiping smear paper using a liquid scintillation counter, the influence of a smear sample in a vial on the counting was studied in this experiment. Measurement vials without smear paper were utilized for making quenching curve for tritiated water and acetone was used as a quencher of optical efficiency. After making the quenching curve, the vials of tritiated water with smear papers were measured and then the efficiency and the quenching index were compared with the quenching curve. As a result, no influence of smear paper on the liquid scintillation counting was found. In this presentation, the above results and the other basic data related to the measurement will be explained.