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Changes of RHEED intensity with hydrogen position on metal surface

川村 隆明*; 福谷 克之

Kawamura, Takaaki*; Fukutani, Katsuyuki

Based on the multiple scattering theory, reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) intensities are calculated from H-adsorbed Ni(111) surfaces by explicitly taking the scattering from H atoms into account. Systematic RHEED intensity changes in the rocking curves and the azimuthal plots are obtained by changing the H position both in the surface normal and parallel directions. In the rocking curves, the peak and dip positions as well as their intensities distinctly change under some diffraction conditions. In the azimuthal plots, the peak widths show systematic variations as a function of H height. Changes in RHEED intensities are also obtained from the surfaces with subsurface H as a function of the H depth. The intensity changes as a function of H position are different from those as a function of surface relaxation of the topmost Ni layer. The results show that RHEED should be a promising tool to extract the structural information of H on metal surfaces.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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