※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Hydrogen distribution and electronic structure of TiO$$_{2}$$(110) hydrogenated with low-energy hydrogen ions

大橋 由季*; 長塚 直樹*; 小倉 正平*; 福谷 克之

Ohashi, Yuki*; Nagatsuka, Naoki*; Ogura, Shohei*; Fukutani, Katsuyuki

The rutile TiO$$_{2}$$ surface irradiated by hydrogen ions at 0.5 keV was investigated by ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, and nuclear reaction analysis. With hydrogen irradiation, an in-gap state (IGS) was formed at $$sim$$0.8 eV below the Fermi level, and the bands were downward bent by 0.5 eV. The H depth profile showed a maximum at about 1 nm, extending to $$sim$$30 nm with an average concentration of 5.6 at. %. Upon annealing at 673 K, the IGS intensity was reduced and H with a coverage of 1.4 monolayer remained in the near-surface region, suggesting stable H occupation of subsurface sites. After an O$$_{2}$$ dose to the H-irradiated surface, although the IGS intensity was substantially reduced, the hydrogen distribution was found to be unchanged.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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