※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Open charm and bottom meson-nucleon potentials $`a$ la the nuclear force


山口 康宏   ; 安井 繁宏*; 保坂 淳

Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro; Yasui, Shigehiro*; Hosaka, Atsushi

We discuss the interaction of an open heavy meson ($$overline{D}$$ and $$overline{D}$$* for charm or $$B$$ and $$B$$* for bottom) and a nucleon ($$N$$) by considering the $$pi$$, $$sigma$$, $$rho$$, and $$omega$$ exchange potentials. We construct a potential model by respecting chiral symmetry for light quarks and spin symmetry for heavy quarks. Model parameters are adjusted by referring the phenomenological nuclear (CD-Bonn) potentials reproducing the low-energy $$NN$$ scatterings. We show that the resulting interaction may accommodate $$overline{D}N$$ and $$BN$$ bound states with quantum numbers $$I(J^{P})$$ = 0(1/2$$^{-}$$), and 1(1/2$$^{-}$$). We find that, in the present potential model, the $$pi$$ exchange potential plays an important role for the isosinglet channel, while the $$sigma$$ exchange potential does for the isotriplet one.



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分野:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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